Monday, May 4, 2009


The initial version of the program will be fairly simple.

Game Rules:
5 Handed
Called Ace

The initial working version will be able to deal the cards, AI's will have a chance to pick and then the 6 tricks will be played properly according to the rules with 1 human and 4 AI's. The AI will basically be able to follow the rules. All cards will be face up so I can watch the AI for errors.

After that I will be tweaking the AI so that it is brutally intelligent without cheating. This will start with basic by-the-numbers gameplay then move up into something better. I will have to remember all the things I used to keep track of in my head when I was playing.

After the AI is as smart as can be then I will make different personalities.

When that is complete then I can add game variations like Jack of Diamonds partner plus any other variants.

I cut my teeth on 4 handed cutthroat so I may see if I can add that variation. Each variation will need an AI makeover so it may be too difficult.

Multiplayer Internet play with AI's is a goal. I think it would be cool to play 5 handed with a couple of buddies and an AI you're not embarrassed to sit next to.

About Sheepshead Program

I've noticed that there hasn't been a decent sheepshead program created in about 20 years. Yahoo Sheepshead is out there for multiplayer but how do you hone your game at home or just play for fun?

I've decided to create a Sheepshead game for Windows using Visual Basic. This blog will detail the thought and programming process. Hopefully people will comment if I get game logic wrong. I haven't played regularly in quite a while.

For reference I'll be using Dave Metz's Coding a Euchre Game series of posts for MSDN. I also have Sam's Teach Yourself VB.NET in 24 hours that I got from Paperback Swap. I'll be programming with VB 2008 Express. Hopefully those resources and Google will get me through.

Part 1 -
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9