Monday, May 4, 2009


The initial version of the program will be fairly simple.

Game Rules:
5 Handed
Called Ace

The initial working version will be able to deal the cards, AI's will have a chance to pick and then the 6 tricks will be played properly according to the rules with 1 human and 4 AI's. The AI will basically be able to follow the rules. All cards will be face up so I can watch the AI for errors.

After that I will be tweaking the AI so that it is brutally intelligent without cheating. This will start with basic by-the-numbers gameplay then move up into something better. I will have to remember all the things I used to keep track of in my head when I was playing.

After the AI is as smart as can be then I will make different personalities.

When that is complete then I can add game variations like Jack of Diamonds partner plus any other variants.

I cut my teeth on 4 handed cutthroat so I may see if I can add that variation. Each variation will need an AI makeover so it may be too difficult.

Multiplayer Internet play with AI's is a goal. I think it would be cool to play 5 handed with a couple of buddies and an AI you're not embarrassed to sit next to.

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